How We Works

working progress image

User join into the system


User Upgrade his Rank


User refer 5 New user to get multiple bonus lifetime

MLM software dashboard

Fastrack Bonus

To get fast track income, your ID must activated by 500 HS. After that you will be called Omega. You get 250 HS directly from each Omega User you sponsor, You can only Sponsor 5 Omega Users directly. See the table above your ID will be upgraded according to your team’s number. On each upgrade, you will have to pay the fee as provided to you and accordingly you will get income.

Sponsor Bonus

MLM companies offer sponsor bonuses or referral bonuses as an incentive to recruit new members. Team members can earn sponsor bonuses after filling the first level of the matrix MLM plan. 

Multiple Currencies

Auto Pool Bonus

Each user will be able to earn this income. This income is distributed by a special type of software without any distinction depending on the basis of “first come first serve”. Auto pool Income is dividend for the user who upgrades every level.  To be a upgraded to next rank of the user is only mandatory for withdrawal, The same applies for all ranks. 

Team Explorer

Purchase Bonus

  Purchase Bonus is based on the products whatever is purchased by you and your downlines. Below is the simple Illustration if every one under you just recharge their mobile for 200 HS then this magic will happen, you will be rewarded as below.